Console Commands (Custom Edition)
these cheats are for use only with Halo: custom edition. you will not be able to play online while in devmode. to activate
the cheats, open up the properties window of the halo: custom edition shortcut and add "-console -devmode" after
the target. put a space between the target line and -console, and another space between -console and -devmode. to open the
console, press the ~ key (the button above tab). on the cheats with <#> next to them, type 1 to activate or 0 to deactivate.
Always include the _ in the cheats, not a blankspace
Code Effect
cheat_medusa <#> any enemy that looks at the player will automatically die
game_speed <#> change this from 1-20 to make the game run faster. change it to 0 to make the game pause
cls clears the console screen
cheat_bottomless_clip <#> human weapons and the needler never have to reload, and the plasma weapons can not overheat
cheat_infinite_ammo <#> this gives you infinite ammunition for every weapon
cheat_super_jump <#> this lets you jump very high. (should be used with deathless player cheat, otherwise you may
die while falling)
cheat_bump_possession <#> this lets you take control of any character you make contact with
cheat_deathless_player <#> this makes you absolutely invincible, even from falling
cheat_all_powerups this spawns one of each powerup around the player
cheat_all_vehicles this spawns one of each vehicle around the player
cheat_all_weapons this spawns one of each weapon around the player, including the flag and oddball skull
cheat_spawn_warthog this will spawn one regular warthog next to the player
Camera Control Mode
ATTENTION: This is for Halo: custom edition Devmode only. To activate Devmode, open the properties window of the halo
custom edition shortcut. in the target line add -console -devmode (include the spaces before the -'s), then start a game.
while in gameplay, press the ~ key (the one directly above tab), type the commands exactly as shown, including the _'s then
press enter after each command. This will seperate the camera from the player and make it controllable. Hold the mouse scroll
button down to control the camera
w- forward
s- back
a-strafe left
d- strafe right
r- move up
f- move down
mouse- look/turn
scrollwheel up/down- adjust camera movement speed
Password Effect
cheat_teleport_to_camera Makes the Master Chief teleport to the camera's position, and then gravity will take effect,
so don't go too high
camera_control 0 Returns the camera to first person mode
debug_camera_save saves the current location of the camera; used in conjunction with the next command.
debug_camera_load this sends the camera to the location that debug_camera_save was used, seperating the camera from the